About Us

Welcome to our website! We provide a unique service that helps you get your own Bluesky social media handle. We maintain a list of domains, and when you subscribe to one of our plans, you get a subdomain from one of these domains.

You can also share your domain with us. If people buy a subdomain that belongs to your domain, we will give you a commission. It's a great way to earn some extra income while helping others get their Bluesky handles. Contact us for more details.

Our mission is to simplify the process of getting a Bluesky handle and to make it accessible to everyone. We believe in the power of decentralized social media and want to help you make the most of it.

Please note that the use of these subdomains is restricted to creating a Bluesky handle or legal purposes. We do not permit the use of these subdomains for any unlawful activities.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us skyname.io.contact (at) gmail.com