Terms and Conditions

Subdomain Usage:

As a subscriber, you have the right to use the subdomain provided to you solely for the purpose of creating your own Bluesky social media handle and other valid purposes such us redirecting or other services that we provide.

Prohibited Actions:

You are strictly prohibited from using the subdomain for any unlawful activities, including but not limited to, the distribution of malicious software, illegal content, or engaging in activities that infringe upon the rights of others.


All subdomains provided to you remain property of domain owners. You are granted a limited, revocable, right to use the subdomain as per the terms stated herein.


We reserve the right to terminate your subscription and revoke your right to use the subdomain at any time if we find you to be in violation of these terms.

Changes to Terms:

We reserve the right to modify these terms at any time. We will notify you of any changes, and your continued use of the service after such changes constitutes your agreement to the new terms.